It makes good business sense to have well planned and implemented safe systems of work. “Having your employees go home in the same condition as they came to work” is a catch cry of many highly successful and well regarded businesses.
Putting in place a well thought out OH&S Implementation Plan is not hard. The plan is designed to capture your risks and provide a month by month description of what your business needs to do to address those risks. It’s really like a roadmap of activities.
It takes a bit of focus in the first instance to build the plan, and after that it virtually runs itself.
Your employees have input when building the plan and that provides them with a strong sense of ownership of the safety activities that need to be addressed.
With the increased focus on safety comes a feeling that they are “the most important asset of your business”.
The employee goodwill factor increases and you can rest easy knowing, should WorkSafe come knocking on your door, you can demonstrate that you have good safety systems in place.