Research with regards to the effects of electromagnetic field exposure is ongoing.
It is an extremely controversial and confusing field and the jury is still out with regards to the health risks associated with EMF exposure. There are however some studies such as the Bio Initiative Report (2007) that show for example, that living close to powerlines and being exposed to EMF’s in excess of 4mG is associated with a doubling in the incidence of childhood leukaemia.
Magnetic fields are extremely difficult to shield, but they do decrease in strength dramatically as you create distance from the source. It is therefore important to know where the sources are and what the safe distances from the sources would be. In testing for Electromagnetic Fields, Ecolibria will thoroughly assess your living and/or working space and provide simple and cost-effective solutions.
It is relevant to note that there is a significant difference between Australian exposure standards and what is regarded as safe Building Biology health-based guidelines. Building biology guidelines are in line with the world’s best practice and the most precautionary health-based standards available. Part of our consultation involves explaining these standards to the client.